Students in lecture.

SUNY Poly/SECON (1+2+1) Partnership Pathway

Earn Two Nursing Degrees in Four Years!

Join our unique partnership pathway between St. Elizabeth College of Nursing (SECON) in Utica, N.Y. and the State University of New York Polytechnic Institute (SUNY Poly) in Marcy, N.Y.

St. Elizabeth College of Nursing - The best preparation to work in today's healthcare environment, with a one-to-one relationship with faculty and the most extensive clinical experience (600 + clinical hours) available in a nursing program today.

SUNY Poly - Technologically sophisticated classrooms and laboratories, paired with personal mentoring from faculty and staff. A full range of recreational and extracurricular activities on the most beautiful campus in the SUNY system.

Important notes about applying:

  • When filling out the on-line application, select SUNY Poly when you add a campus choice. Select “Undeclared” as your major.  Enter NSGSE under Special Campus Project.

Admission to the 1+2+1 partnership pathway is competitive and each application is reviewed on an individual basis to determine a student’s fit and potential for success in this unique degree option.

Apply now to the 1+2+1 Partnership Pathway


Here's How

  • Each programs does what they do best
  • Year 1 - Enrolled at SUNY POLY taking courses to satisfy both degrees
  • Year 2 - Enrolled at SECON – completing pre-licensure coursework – and taking courses at Poly
  • Year 3 - Completing courses at SECON, qualifying to take NCLEX, graduate with AAS - and taking courses at Poly
  • Year 4 - Complete BS at SUNY Poly earn BS with major in nursing


  • Dually accepted to both programs
  • Guaranteed seat in SECON if meet all criteria
  • Two Degrees in 4 years – may begin working as RN after Year 3, when you earn your AAS and pass the NCLEX to become licensed
  • Able to live on SUNY Poly campus all 4 years
  • Academic and Financial Aid Advisers on both campuses


Fall Semester                                                                                                                                           Credits
BIO215 Anatomy & Physiology I 4.0
ENG101 First-Year Composition 4.0
General Education 4.0
General Education 4.0
FYS101 Nursing Seminar 1.0
Spring Semester                                                                                                                                     Credits
BIO216 Anatomy & Physiology II 4.0
ANT Cultural Anthropology 4.0
STATS100 Statistical Methods 4.0
COM308 Analytical & Research Writing 4.0


Fall Semester                                                                                                                                          Credits
NUR116 Fundamentals of Nursing 8.0
NUR141 Introduction to Pharmacotherapy 2.0
PSY100 Principles of Psychology 4.0
Spring Semester                                                                                                                                    Credits
NUR118 Concepts of Holistic Nursing I 8.0
NUR142 Caring Processes in Pharmacotherapy 2.0
BIO275 Microbiology 4.0
Summer Semester                                                                                                                                Credits
NUR122 Clinical Practicum in Nursing 2.0
NUR300 Role Transitions to Baccalaureate Nursing Education 2.0


Fall Semester                                                                                                                                         Credits
NUR232 Care of the Childrearing Family 7.0
NUR233 Issues in Professional Nursing Practice 2.0
NUR313 Theoretical Bases for Professional Nursing 4.0
PSY220 Life-Span Developmental Psychology 4.0
Spring Semester                                                                                                                                   Credits
NUR240 Concepts of Holistic Nursing II 9.0
NUR244 Transition to Professional Practice 1.0
SOC100 Introduction to Sociology 4.0
NUR314 Comprehensive Health Assessment 3.0
Summer Semester
*32 Nursing credits transfer into SUNY Poly upon matriculation into BS nursing program.NUR390 Nursing Research.



Fall Semester                                                                                                                                         Credits
BIO250 HealthCare Genetics 4.0
NUR390 Nursing Research 3.0
NUR475 Public Health Nursing Science 6.0
Spring Semester                                                                                                                                   Credits
NUR478 Care Coordination and Management 3.0
NUR490 Culminating Seminar 3.0
NUR444 Transformational Leadership 4.0
General Education (nursing or liberal arts) 4.0


Apply Today for a Better Tomorrow