Veteran’s Services

     St. Elizabeth College of Nursing (SECON) is pleased to serve veterans and our country’s men and women in the armed forces. The following information is provided to help veterans, service personnel and their families seeking assistance as they pursue their nursing education at SECON.

Sherry Wojnas
Director of Finance & Enrollment
Veterans Affairs School Certifying Officer (SCO)
Phone: 315-801-8206
Fax: 315-801-8271

For Chapters 30, 33, 1606 and 1607 if you have not applied for Veterans education benefits you will need to do so by completing VA Form 22-1990 which can be completed online. Using VONAPP is faster than completing a paper application. If you prefer a paper application refer to VA Forms and Resources.

For Chapter 35 you will need to complete VA Form 22-5490 which can also be done on line. If you prefer a paper application refer to VA Forms and Resources.

For Chapter 31, it is advised that you contact your VA rehabilitation counselor first. To learn more about or apply for Chapter 31 benefits in NYS, call the following number 1-800-827-1000.

What to send SECON’s VA Certifying Official
     1) Copy of completed application for (Veterans education benefits)
     2) Copy of member 4 DD-214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty)
     3) Copy of Kicker Program documentation (if applicable)
     4) Notice of basic eligibility(NOBE) if you are in the Reserves
     5) Certificate of Eligibility (you will receive this from the Buffalo Regional VA office once a determination            on your  eligibility is made). You MUST have this for Chapter 33 Post-9/11 GI Bill®.
Please note that Veterans Education Benefits at this time are considered a resource in the Financial Aid package and adjustments to other aid will be made as required by law. To find out what education benefits you qualify for and an application for VA benefits, please visit: The SCO certifies Veterans Benefits. All paperwork must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office, Attn: Sherry Wojnas 2215 Genesee Street,Utica, NY 13501 or by FAX (315) 801-8271.
Scholarships and Awards for Veterans<
For further information about scholarships and awards for veterans and to apply please visit the Military Corner. Questions may be addressed to 1-888-697-4372 or e-mail at
Chapter 30 (Veterans GI Bill®)
Educational assistance program available to fully honorably discharged veterans who meet the eligibility criteria explained in detail on the Department of Veterans Affairs website Montgomery GI Bill® – Active Duty (MGIB-AD)
Chapter 33 (New Post 9/11 GI Bill®)
This educational assistance program is effective August 1, 2009 and is available to fully honorably discharged veterans who meet the eligibility criteria explained in detail on the Department of Veterans Affairs website. Post 9/11 Chapter 33 (New)  The site includes an eligibility chart to estimate your coverage.
Chapter 1606 (Reserves/National Guard)
This program may be available if you are a member of a selected reserve. More eligibility information on Chapter 1606 is provided on the Department of Veterans Affairs website
Chapter 1607 (Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP)
More eligibility information on Chapter 1607 is provided on the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) website
Chapter 35 (Survivor’s and Dependents Educational Assistance program; DEA)
The spouse, child, stepchild or adopted child of a veteran who is deceased (service-connected) or who is 100% disabled (service-connected) may qualify for Chapter 35 benefits. Visit the Department of Veterans Affairs website:
Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation)
Any veteran receiving at least 10% permanent, service-connected disability from the DVA can apply for this benefit. Approval is made on a case-by-case basis and is managed at the state level. To learn more about or apply for Chapter 31 benefits in NYS, call 1-800-827-1000.
Certification of Enrollment
For all chapter benefits (with the exception of Chapter 31) our certifying official must notify the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) of your enrollment each semester. Each month that you qualify for benefits, you must contact the DVA for enrollment certification. This should be done on the last day of each month, online at Verify Your Enrollment (VYE) (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs) or via phone at 1-877-823-2378. If your enrollment certification has been submitted and you would like to check on the status of your payment, you can call the NYS regional office at 1-888-442-4551.


The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. To view and print a copy of an estimated personalized cost of attendance you can visit the SECON Net Price Cost Calculator. Additional financial information can be found at the NCES College Navigator site.


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